Thursday 9 April 2009

Watch the video you will find by clicking on the link and comment on the following points:

  • What's the video about?

  • In your opinion, what's its objective?

  • What's the meaning of Nike slogan in this video?

  • Do you know any other trademarks which could be the subject of a similar parody?

  • As a consummer, what can you do to favour fair trade?

Click here to watch video

Wednesday 11 February 2009


Severn Suzuki was born and raised in Vancouver, Canada. While attending Lord Tennyson Elementary School in French Immersion, at the age of nine, she founded the Environmental Children's Organization (ECO), a group of children dedicated to learning and teaching other youngsters about environmental issues. In 1992, at the age of 12, Suzuki raised money with members of ECO, to attend the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Along with group members Michelle Quigg, Vanessa Suttie, and Morgan Geisler, Cullis-Suzuki presented environmental issues from a youth perspective at the summit, where she was applauded for a speech to the delegates. In 1993, she was honoured in the United Nations Environment Programme's Global 500 Roll of Honour. In 1993, Doubleday published her book Tell the World, a 32-page book of environmental steps for families.

The following video has been broadcasted world-wide only thanks to the Internet. Click on the following link to listen to the wise words of the girl who silenced the world for five minutes. Then answer the following questions and give your opinion about Severn's speech in a single paragraph.


1. How old are E.C.O. members?

2. What does Severn reproach the summit audience in particular and the northern countries in general?

3. What does she ask the members of the summit and “grown ups” in general to do?

Wednesday 31 January 2007

Welcome to the virtual class blog!!